Repairing the Breach

“Your ancient ruins shall be rebuilt; you shall raise up the foundations of many generations; you shall be called the repairer of the breach, the restorer of streets to live in.”
Isaiah 58:12

Repairing the Breach

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
September 8, 2024

We of Little Faith

Elder Nancy A. Frick
Director of Stewardship and Endowment
September 1, 2024

Light in the Darkness

Rev. Rachel N. Klompmaker
Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry
June 2, 2024

Imago Dei

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
May 26, 2024

You Were Made for Worship

Rev. Benjamin K. Davison
Lake Fellow In Parish Ministry
May 5, 2024

Easter Living

Rev. Madison M. VanVeelen
Associate Pastor of Care
April 7, 2024

Home Again

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
March 31, 2024

Rising and Shining

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
January 7, 2024

The Beginning Word

Rev. Michael M. Samson
Associate Pastor for Engagement
December 31, 2023

In God's Hands

Rev. Gracie H. Payne
Director of Young Adult Engagement
November 26, 2023

Redeem the Time

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
October 29, 2023

Calm and Quiet: Whispers from God

Tom Markey
Interim Director of Youth Ministries
September 3, 2023

A Joyful Call

Rev. Tyler D. Brinks
Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry
June 4, 2023

A Living Church

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
May 28, 2023

A Sent Church

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
May 21, 2023

A Gathered Church

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
May 14, 2023

Unless I See

Rev. Michael M. Samson
Associate Pastor for Engagement
April 16, 2023

Easter Sunday: Joy in the Morning

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
April 9, 2023

Ash Wednesday

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
February 22, 2023

Can We Be Transformed

Rev. Gracie H. Payne
Director of Young Adult Engagement
February 19, 2023

Change of Plans

Rev. Karen Lang
Executive Pastor
January 01, 2023

No Longer At Ease

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
January 08, 2023

Live in the Light

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
December 25, 2022

On Mission Together

Rev. Eugene Cho
President, Bread for the World
September 18, 2022

God’s LinkedIn Profie

Rev. David A. Berry
Associate Pastor for Mission
September 04, 2022

“The Lord God Made Them All: A Green Theology”

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
August 14, 2022

To Be Free

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
July 03, 2022

The Lord Came Down

Rev. Gracie H. Payne
Director of Young Adult Engagement
June 12, 2022

A Sending Spirit

Rev. Madison M. VanVeelen
Associate Pastor of Care
June 5, 2022

If Tomorrow Comes

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
May 29, 2022

Is This Anything

Rev. Sara A. Hayden
Director of Training
1001 New Worshipping Communities Movement of the
Presbyterian Church (USA)
February 27, 2022

A Starting Point

Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
January 9, 2022

The Genetic Make Up of Faith

Rev. Lex M. Allum
Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry
September 5, 2021

The Danger of Friendship

Reverend Chris Palmer
Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry
June 6, 2021

The With-ness of God

Reverend Gracie H. Payne
Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry
May 30, 2021

Love and Child's Play

Reverend Christopher A. Palmer
Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry
April 11, 2021

Letting God In

Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor
April 4, 2021 - Easter Sunday

Transfigurtion Sunday

Reverend Christopher A. Henry & Rev. Dr. Winterbourne
February 14, 2021

A Word to Seekers

January 3, 2021
Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor

The Light of Salvation

December 27, 2020
Reverend Michael M. Samson
Associate Pastor for Engagement

When Did We See You?

November 22, 2020
Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor

What We Leave Behind

November 1, 2020
Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor

God's Abundance

October 04, 2020
Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor

“Arise and Come Away”

September 06, 2020
Reverend Gracie H. Payne
Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry

Choose to Love

June 14, 2020
Rev. Karen Lang
Senior Associate Pastor for Congregational Life

Listening in Lament

June 7, 2020
Rev. Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor

Missing Easter

April 12, 2020
Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor

Resurrection in the Plural

April 19, 2020
Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor

The Never-Ending Story

April 26, 2020
Reverend Christopher A. Henry
Senior Pastor