The youth ministry of Second Presbyterian Church creates a place of belonging where all are known, formed, and sent as disciples and connects youth to a welcoming community of faith where Jesus Christ transforms lives.
Youth Ministry Values
Faithfulness - We seek to intentionally shape a deeper understanding of God’s grace experienced through Jesus Christ and a commitment to living as his disciples.
Inclusion - We welcome, include, and recognize every person as a beloved child of God.
Joy - We cultivate joy as a community joined together and sent to serve by God’s grace.
Fruitfulness - We activate our faith by investing time, energy, and resources to show the love and justice of Jesus Christ and work for the reconciliation of the world.
Youth Late Night @ Second
February 28, 6 - 11 PM, Youth Suite
Join us as we welcome the 5th graders into the youth suite and spend the evening doing what Youth Ministries does best…having fun!!
Wednesdays, 6:30-8 PM
Footsteps of Faith
High School Seniors
Rev. Tom Markey
Associate Pastor of Youth and Families