Sacred Spaces @ Second 

Scripture promises that God’s presence is infinite, faithful, and almighty. We believe that God lovingly calls us to places of rest and quiet, seeking to offer strength and assurance when we need it most.

We are blessed with beautiful church grounds that our ministries have used for Confirmation with families in the parking lot, Bible parades and outdoor ice cream celebrations for our first graders, curbside mission work through the Northside Food Pantry, and more! Just like our indoor spaces, outdoor areas need to be reserved. If your church group would like to use one of the parking lots, gardens or lawn spaces, please contact the church and work with our staff to make arrangements. Even in the outdoor areas, we ask that health and safety guidelines be followed, with appropriate masking and social distancing.

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    Sanctuary Visit 

    Still and sacred, peaceful and powerful, the Sanctuary at Second Presbyterian Church is a beloved space. You can use this guide to explore the stained glass windows, the flags, the Rose window, the Ascension window, and more, allowing you to gain a deeper appreciation for this sacred space. 

    Also, you can revisit these videos featuring Second member Dr. Linda Rinker sharing the history and symbolism of the Sanctuary stained glass windows.



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    Milner Chapel

    Construction in Milner Chapel is underway! All Sunday Chapel worship services are currently meeting in Room 356.

    This work marks the beginning of an exciting journey that will transform Milner Chapel into a space that better serves the needs of our congregation and community - through updates in light, seating, sound, and organ. The project will make ADA-accessible seating a reality in Milner Chapel. An updated sound and lighting system allows for a variety of worship experiences, from the most joyous, to the most inward and intimate. The cornerstone of the project--the new Richards, Fowkes & Co. organ will bring the worship of God in Milner Chapel into the highest levels of musical and artistic praise.

    Together, we are building a space that will continue to be a source of inspiration and solace for generations to come. To God be the glory!

    We understand your curiosity and excitement during this process but we ask for your safety, and the safety of others, that you adhere to posted signs and safety protocols during construction.


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    Prayer Walk


    During the week, we invite you to walk the outside grounds of Second – a personal journey in prayer – and surrender to the presence of God’s faithfulness all around you. Created by Dr. John Koppitch and the pastoral staff of Second, this prayer walk will guide your feet from the sanctuary doors around to the memorial garden, labyrinth, Northside Food Pantry doors, community garden, and other powerful places of worship throughout Second’s 26 acres of beautiful ground. Scripture, history, and prayer will journey with you as you quiet your heart and feel God’s presence in your midst.

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    Praying by walking a labyrinth is an ancient practice, a playground of prayer where we discover what God has for us this day. During the week, we invite you to pray through the labyrinth at Second. Created by Lake Fellow Rev. Gracie Payne and the pastoral staff at Second, let this guide lead you through moments of preparation, entrance, illumination, union, and implementation as you walk close with Jesus Christ. To honor the intimate journey of a labyrinth, we ask that no more than two be walking at a time.

    *Masks are required if two walkers are present. We ask that you maintain appropriate social distancing.


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    Memorial Garden


    For all the saints who from
    Their labors rest,
    Who Thee by Faith before
    The world confessed,
    Thy name, O Jesus, be forever blest.

    Alleluia! Alleluia!

    Completed in the fall of 1995, Second's Memorial Garden allows parishioners to rest next to the spiritual home they loved in life or to honor loved ones with a bronze plaque placed on the Memorial Walls.

    Nestled in the shadow of the spire, outside the east wall of the sanctuary, this beautiful and consecrated place incorporates Indiana limestone and Italian granite with tasteful landscaping, walks, and benches to create a lovely retreat for generations to come. The Celtic cross (just outside the Garden) is from the Vermont Street church, where it was at the peak of the gable over the Ascension Window. Perpetual maintenance is assured through the Session of Second Presbyterian Church.

    The Garden Memorial Service, held annually the week prior to Memorial Day, offers loved ones the opportunity to gather in prayer, remembrance, and thanksgiving.

    We are currently on a waitlist for niches, but have plenty of memorial plaques.
    Bronze memorial plaques honor loved ones buried elsewhere.
    Plaques are 12x4 and may be purchased for $400 each.

    To be put on the waitlist or for more information, contact Rev. Madison VanVeelen at (317) 726-5405 or MVanVeelen@secondchurch.org.