
Click here to view the worship schedule for Lent, read the Lent devotional, and see events offered during the Lenten season.

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    Chapel Worship
    Sundays at 8:15 AM
    Room 356*
    *Chapel services will meet in Room 356 while the new organ is being installed.

    We are very excited to share that the new Richards, Fowkes & Co. organ for Milner Chapel has arrived! During its installation process, 8:15 AM, 11:15 AM, and 5 PM worship services will relocate to Room 356.

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    Sunday School for All Ages
    Sundays at 9 AM


    (4 years - grade 5)
    Third floor
    (3 years and younger)
    Second floor

    Middle and High School Students

    Youth Suite (second floor)


    See Adult Formation offerings here


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    Sanctuary Worship
    Sundays at 10 AM
    (in person and at SecondChurch.org/Live)

    Childcare is available all morning for children age 3 and younger on the second floor.

    Following "The Word with Children", children age 4 through grade 8 may depart for children's choirs or continue worshiping with their families. Please remember to complete a green tag for your child(ren) to be easily reunited during pick up. 

    Don't forget to stop by for donuts and coffee following worship!

    Worship livestream available at:

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    Service of Wholeness and Communion
    Sundays at 11:15 AM
    Room 356*
    *Chapel services will meet in Room 356 while the new organ is being installed.

    This 15-minute worship service is open to all and is a weekly opportunity to gather in Room 356 to receive the gifts of Scripture, prayer, and communion. After communion, anyone who wishes may receive anointing and prayer from a pastor.

    This service is a wonderful opportunity to receive communion in an intimate setting and may be especially meaningful for anyone who wishes to invite God’s presence, blessing, or guidance into a particular moment or situation in their life. This could be a time of joy or anticipation – a pregnancy, birth, birthday, or wedding – or it could be a time of grief, illness, or hardship.

    "Are any among you suffering? They should pray. Are any cheerful? They should sing songs of praise. Are any among you sick? They should call for the elders of the church and have them pray over them, anointing them with oil in the name of the Lord."
    James 5:13-14


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    Sunday Evening Lenten Services
    Sundays, March 9 – April 6, 5 PM, Room 356

    Join us for a casual and contemplative worship service with music, meditation, and holy communion as we learn to walk in the dark together. 

    Sundays, March 9 – April 6, 5 PM, Room 356

    As we journey through our Lenten theme, Learning to Walk in the Dark, we know that we cannot do this work on our own. Instead, we find support and hope through Scripture, prayer, and community when we gather as one. On Sundays at 5 PM throughout Lent, join us in Room 356 for a casual and contemplative worship service with music, meditation, and holy communion as we learn to walk in the dark together.