Young Adults

If you just moved to Indy for the first time or you’ve long called the 317 home, you’re welcome here. If you are tending to children or tending to dating apps, you’re welcome here. If you grew up in a faith community or if you’re asking, “What’s God?,” you’re welcome here. Second’s community of young adults are people who are roughly age 18 to 40 who don’t have it all figured out but have figured out one thing: we’re never alone.

We belong to God and we belong to each other.

We seek to be a hub for connections. Whether that means welcoming someone new on Sunday morning at worship or encouraging one another in the early stages of our careers, we want everyone who encounters this community to feel more connected to the city, the church, and to Jesus Christ.

We value serving others because we worship a Servant God. You’ll regularly find us volunteering together around Indianapolis or building relationships with partner organizations who are doing good work to address housing, hunger, and education in our city. We care about justice.

We both practice our faith and nurture Christ-like leadership right here in our community, equipping one another to carry the broad love of God into the world.

You’re always invited. Check-out ongoing opportunities and upcoming events. To receive our seasonal newsletter, email our pastor, Rev. Gracie PayneYou can also follow what’s happening on Instagram.

See What's Happening

The writer and Indianapolis native, Kurt Vonnegut, once said, “What should young people do with their lives today? Many things, obviously. But the most daring thing is to create stable communities in which the terrible disease of loneliness can be cured.” Scripture teaches us that Jesus would agree with him on the centrality of living in community. We know this season of life – full of transience, change, hard work, and dashed hopes – is best navigated with a few friends by your side. September-May we commit to do life together in Community Groups where we study scripture, pray, and support one another. In the summer, we do shorter time Bible and book studies. No matter the season, there is always room for one more. Let Gracie know if you want to take part!

Second Presbyterian Church is a church for the whole city. We exist to serve others. We find that in putting our faith in action we better understand who we are, what we believe, and how we can make a difference. 

We gather at least monthly to make memories because joy is a sign of God’s presence. Whether it’s for a summer baseball game, Pickleball, our annual Friendsgiving, or a happy hour – we regularly find time to laugh together. Social events are a particularly easy way to connect if you’re joining us for the first time. There’s always a spot for you. Sign-up for our seasonal newsletter and look out on Instagram for upcoming opportunities.

We live in a non-stop world but, in the Christian tradition, we follow a person who regularly told us to “come away” and “learn the unforced rhythms of grace.” It just so happens that when we get away with others, we can build deeper friendships and more meaningful lives. For this reason, we have an annual opportunity to play together at Grown-up Summer Camp (yes, it’s literally camp for adults 21+) and then a chance in the winter to retreat and/or serve together. No matter when you join us, you’ll encounter a community that laughs hard, loves breaking bread together, and is always ready to pull up one more chair. 

Our Programs

Sign-up for our Seasonal Newsletter (check the ‘young-adults’ box)
Follow us on Instagram

About Rev. Gracie Payne

Hi there! I’m Gracie Payne and I lead the community of young adults here at Second Presbyterian Church. I would love the chance to hear your story and buy you a cup of coffee! My spouse, Christian, and I relocated to Indianapolis in 2019 and have found this community to be a hub of hospitality, joy, and transformation. We don’t take these friendships and the faith we share for granted. If you’re looking to talk about God, learn more about the church, or find your people, I’d love to connect. Reach out at gpayne@secondchurch.org.

Young Adult Community Groups
Groups meet every other week for Bible study and prayer. 

Young Adult Community Groups
Groups meet every other week for Bible study and prayer. 

Young Adults Sunday Brunch
Various Dates, Meet in the Narthex following 10 AM Worship
Meet up after service to head out for a casual time to break bread and connect with friends from the pews.

Young Adults Sunday Brunch
Various Dates, Meet in the Narthex following 10 AM Worship

Meet up after service to head out for a casual time to break bread and connect with friends from the pews.

Young Adults Service & Sabbath
February 22, 9 AM – 3 PM at Second; Happy Hour at Binkley's in Broad Ripple
Spend the morning serving at the Northside Food Pantry, enjoy lunch while learning tangible ways to advocate for our neighbors, then join in games and worship before heading to Binkley's.

Young Adults Service & Sabbath
February 22, 9 AM – 3 PM at Second; Happy Hour at Binkley's in Broad Ripple

Spend the morning serving at the Northside Food Pantry, enjoy lunch while learning tangible ways to advocate for our neighbors, then join in games and worship before heading to Binkley's.

Address submission deadline: March 13

Address submission deadline: March 13

Young Adults Ash Wednesday Dinner
March 5, 6 PM, Room 356
Join Young Adults for a special Ash Wednesday dinner followed by worship together.

Young Adults Ash Wednesday Dinner
March 5, 6 PM, Room 356

Join Young Adults for a special Ash Wednesday dinner followed by worship together.

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    Rev. Gracie Payne
    Associate Pastor for Young Adult Engagement

    Associate Pastor for Young Adult Engagement

    317-726-5416 | GPayne@SecondChurch.org

    As the Associate Pastor for Young Adult Engagement, Gracie ministers with those in the transitional seasons of college, early adulthood, and parenthood. She is particularly attentive to those who have not yet found belonging or welcome within the church. Gracie is passionate about encouraging disciples of Jesus as they live out the mission of God for the good of our city and the flourishing of our world.

    Gracie’s childhood was largely shaped by her passion for ballet which now informs her understanding of the Christian faith as lived out through our bodies in the dance of community. She believes – as followers of a God who took on flesh, moved into the neighborhood, and spread out those arms on the cross to embrace the world – it is our joy and our responsibility to show up for one another, form deep relationships, and join Jesus Christ in healing the world.

    Gracie is a graduate of Indiana University (B.A. Communications, English) and Princeton Theological Seminary (M.Div.). Gracie served as a Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry at Second, as the Director of Youth Ministries for a congregation in Carlisle, PA and the Student Pastor for a congregation in Dayton, NJ. She also apprenticed with 1001 New Worshiping Communities, interned at the Office of the General Assembly, completed Clinical Pastoral Education at Penn State Hershey Medical Center. Gracie is married to Christian Payne; the couple met while working in Pennsylvania and married in 2017.

    Gracie loves returning to the ballet studio, gardening, reading novels and poetry, writing as a spiritual practice, and going on walks with her husband, Christian, and dog, Xylo.

    Book recommendations: The Picture of Dorian Gray (Oscar Wilde), Strangers and Pilgrims Once More (Addison Hodges Hart), Being Human (Rowan Williams), Let the Bones Dance (Marcia W. Mount Shoop)

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    Rev. Michael Samson
    Associate Pastor of Engagement

    Associate Pastor of Engagement

    317-726-5409  | MSamson@SecondChurch.org 

    Mike has been a pastor for 14 years, serving on staff at congregations in Indiana and New Jersey.  He graduated from Princeton Theological Seminary with a Master of Divinity degree. He then completed a post-graduate program at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, earning a Master of Theology degree. After graduation, Mike served in the Lake Fellow in Parish Ministry program here at Second Presbyterian Church in Indianapolis. Upon completing the Lake Fellow program, Mike was called to serve as Associate Pastor for Congregational Life at the Presbyterian Church in Westfield (PCW), NJ, a 1,400 member congregation in the suburbs of New York City. During his seven years at PCW, a main area of focus was the outreach and welcoming of guests and members into the life and ministry of the church. 

    When the Samson family felt a need to be 'back home again in Indiana,’ Mike began serving on an interim basis at Hope United Presbyterian Church, a small congregation in Plainfield, IN.  He was then called as Associate Pastor to Orchard Park Presbyterian Church, in Carmel, IN, focusing more broadly on multiple areas of ministry.

    Prior to seminary, Mike graduated from Radford University with a degree in marketing. Following graduation, he worked in Atlanta for Turner Broadcasting’s World Championship Wrestling in cable affiliate relations, managing the Midwest market. Sensing that the Lord had other things ahead for him, he discerned a call to ministry and continues to be grateful to serve in the body of Christ as a pastor.  Mike considers it a joy and privilege to be in a vocation that allows him to deeply invest in his love for God and people. He loves helping people make deeper connections with God and one another in the church and in all walks of life. 

    Mike is married to Kelly Samson, a native of Vincennes, IN. They have two sons, Matthew (10) and Luke (7), as well as a big dog (a 90 pound golden retriever) and a cat. Kelly works as a genetic counselor at IU North and Riley Hospitals and coordinates IU Health’s Kate Cares Stillbirth Assessment Program, which helps families find answers to questions and provides support following devastating losses. In her free time, Kelly enjoys playing tennis and spending time with her family. Matthew is going into fourth grade and loves playing with his friends, riding bikes, music, and using his imagination to build things. Luke is going into second grade and loves playing with his friends, baseball, football, and building things. Matthew and Luke also love playing with each other.

    Mike is a native of Montclair, NJ (a suburb of NYC) and enjoys spending his free time with family and friends, playing guitar and making music, as well as playing various sports. The Samsons are excited and hopeful about becoming a part of the body of Christ at Second Presbyterian Church!