Monday Memo - August 24, 2020


Hello Second Church,

I want to ask you a question as your new week begins: How have you experienced God’s grace? What is your story of God’s transformative love and mercy?

In worship yesterday we heard about both Peter and Jonah – two witnesses and recipients of this profound gift, yet experienced in different ways. Peter was able to embrace this grace. He was transformed by it. His encounter changed the way he perceived God’s limitless mercy for all. Jonah, on the other hand, was baffled – even angered – by God’s grace extended to the Ninevites. He resisted this radical extension of love and instead chose to find fault with God’s grace, missing the transformative impact of this encounter.

At Second Presbyterian Church we are on a mission to serve as a welcoming community of faith where Jesus Christ transforms lives. God’s grace – abundant and free – is a way we can be transformed. Each and every one. But receiving and experiencing God’s grace is only half the impact. As people of God, we are called to activate this grace we have been given. We are called to make visible and extend this selfless and transformative act of Christ-like love.

This week, choose to be an ambassador of grace. Choose to get close and encounter the power of this love in your relationships and interactions. Choose to let God’s grace work through you. And as a disciple of Jesus Christ, let this grace overflow for all the world to see.

With peace and grace,




Welcome Kelly! Welcome Lex! Our two new Lake Fellows have officially joined the team at Second, bringing wisdom and compassion to our faithful work as a body of Christ. Get to know a little about Kelly and a little about Lex through these short videos – and send a note of welcome! Our two-year Lake Fellow residency program welcomes seminary graduates and their gift of ministry to serve alongside our leadership team.

Email Lex Allum and Kelly Spencer.


Do you have a new first grader?! Be sure to register for this Saturday’s Bible Presentation Parade! We are celebrating the faith journey of these little sheep by presenting each one with a Spark Story Bible – a tradition at Second that will still go on! Register your child (and pack your car with family!) so we can share the love and learnings of Jesus Christ. All details at SecondChurch.org/Children.


Facebook Live, 7:30 p.m.


Our weekly prayer service continues each Thursday with Second pastors on Facebook Live. If you missed last week's prayer service with Rev. Brian Shivers, you can watch it here. We invite you to make this Thursday service part of your week as we join in prayer for our community and our world.




"A welcoming community of faith where Jesus Christ transforms lives." That is our mission at Second Church and the faithful work our Ruling Elders and Deacons seek to bring to life. Who do you picture when you hear our mission statement? Who do you know that echoes this call and serves as Christ taught us to serve? Nominate a fellow church member to serve in a leadership position at Second. Deadline for nominations is September 30.





A welcoming community of faith where Jesus Christ transforms lives