Karen Archbold

Interim Director of Children's Circle Preschool

(317) 253-6461 | KArchbold@SecondChurch.org

Karen began as the Administrative Assistant at Children’s Circle Preschool in July of 2007. She grew up in Dayton, Ohio and graduated from Broadcasting School in 1979. Karen moved to Indianapolis and worked in radio for 15 years before choosing to stay home with her daughters, Amber and Chloe. She began volunteering through Parent Teacher Organizations throughout their elementary, middle and high school years.

After joining Second Church in 1993, her faith in God, her love for children and all things musical led her to serve in many different ministries at Second including Deacons, Adult Choir, Youth Group, Children’s Choir, Sunday School, Presbyterian Women’s Bible studies, various retreats, PW Bazaar co-chair, Vacation Bible School Music Leader and the Indianapolis Great Banquet Music Coordinator. Karen is an avid walker, loves hiking, reading, writing and spending time with her friends and family, especially her wonderful grand-twins, Asher and Avery.