Your Favorite Hymn

The Music and Fine Arts Ministry wants to know the hymns that have meaning for you. Your suggestions will shape our special Hymn Festival Sunday worship service on Sunday, May 21 at 10 AM.

Throughout Lent, we invite you to simply share the title and number of your favorite hymn. If you wish to share more about why this hymn is special to you, we would be honored to share that story in the weeks surrounding Hymn Festival Sunday.


1) In worship throughout Lent, look for a bookmark in your pew hymnal. Complete the bookmark form and place in the offertory plate during service. These will be returned to the Music and Fine Arts office following service.

2) Add your hymn title (with number and/or story, if applicable) to the Favorite Hymn display in McFarland Hall on Sundays throughout Lent. Each week following the 10 a.m. service, a musician will be on hand with a hymnal to play a melody upon request.

3) Share your favorite hymn and/or story here.

4) Contact the Music and Fine Arts office at (317) 253-6461 or MFA@SecondChurch.org.