Sundays, 9 AM, Common Room
February 2, 9, 16, & 23
Embodied Prayer: Exploring the Spiritual Practice of Prayer
Audrey Thorne
This class will explore and broaden our understanding of prayer and add some spiritual practices to our faith journey tool belts. Each week will focus on a different practice of meditative prayer. The class will be oriented toward group practice rather than instruction, although some explanation and history will be included each week. The goal is to engage all of our senses in the practice of prayer and meditation.
- February 2 – Ignatian Prayer
- February 9 – Mindfulness Meditation led by Scott Sweet
- February 16 – Lectio Divina
- February 22 – Taizé style worship
March 2, 9, 16, 23, 30
Stories of God’s Home
Rev. David Kim
This class will explore the concept of God’s home as witnessed in Scripture and shared within the broader Christian community. Using the book The Home of God by Miroslav Volf and Ryan McAnnally-Linz as a guide, the class will introduce the metaphor of “home” as a unifying language rooted in Scripture. Each session will feature a guest speaker from a different background, who will share their personal vision of God’s home through storytelling. Their stories will be followed by a brief reflection and a table discussion focusing on four key dimensions of home: resonance, attachment, belonging, and mutuality.