March 4, 6 – 7:30 PM, Community Room
The Season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday, but not before partying it up on Tuesday!
Young Adults Ash Wednesday Dinner
March 5, 6 PM, Room 356
Join Young Adults for a special Ash Wednesday dinner followed by worship together.
Ash Wednesday Service
March 5, 7 PM, Sanctuary
Join us on Ash Wednesday for a service of worship, Holy Communion, and the imposition of ashes as we begin the season of Lent.
Sunday Evening Lenten Services
Sundays, March 9 – April 6, 5 PM, Room 356
Join us for a casual and contemplative worship service with music, meditation, and holy communion as we learn to walk in the dark together.
Contemplative Prayer Stations
March 17 – 23, Room 356
Open During Building Hours
Stop by during building hours to talk with God in this interactive holy space.
The Creation by Franz Joseph Hayden March 23, 4 PM, Sanctuary
Enjoy the joyous and breathtaking music of Haydn's setting of the epic story of creation.
St. John Passion April 12, 7 PM, St. Christopher's Episcopal Church, Carmel
Presented by Second's Sanctuary Choir and the Indianapolis Baroque Orchestra