The Indianapolis Great Banquet is a 72-hour experience for men and women that presents a short course in Christianity, combined with music, food, fun, and sharing/hearing inspiring talks about the spiritual journeys of others.

The Great Banquet is volunteer-administered and relies upon contributions from the community to support its mission and activities. There are four or five weekends each year with up to 200+ guests/year. Cost is $130/guest and there are ongoing expenses for needs including supplies, paper products, food, mattresses, equipment, and technology. Tax-deductible contributions to the Indianapolis Great Banquet are deeply appreciated and can be made through Second Presbyterian Church.

Learn more about how you can participate in this life-changing experience at IndyGB.org.

Upcoming Events:

  • Women's Weekend – Banquet #129
    October 24-27, 2024; 7 PM - 7 PM
  • Men's Weekend – Banquet #130
    November 7-10, 2024; 7 PM - 7 PM