April 13 
Palm Sunday

8:15 - Worship in Milner Chapel

10 AM - Sanctuary Worship with Children's Procession of Palms 
Come be a part of our Palm Sunday procession! Our favorite donkey, Enright, will lead us through the Sanctuary during 10 AM worship.

11:30 AM - Service of Wholeness and Communion in Milner Chapel

April 16 - 5:30 - 7:30 PM - Begins and ends in Atrium
Stations of the Cross

Easter is sweeter when we take a walk with Jesus through his final days. Moving and developmentally appropriate, this interactive experience tells the story of Jesus in Jerusalem through the lens of human emotion: anger, sadness, fear, gratitude, and joy. A pizza dinner and fellowship will follow. Register here.

April 17 - 8 PM - Sanctuary
Maundy Thursday

Join us on Thursday, April 17 at 8 PM for a Maundy Thursday Service of Tenebrae and Holy Communion as we remember the final hours of Christ's life, his crucifixion, and the tomb. As darkness descends around us, we will reflect on the powerful meaning of the cross.

April 18 - 12 - 3 PM - Chapel
Good Friday

Come and go as you are able between Noon and 3 PM as we meditate on the last words of Christ. Good Friday is the day we remember Jesus’ crucifixion, and the hours of 12 – 3 PM are particularly significant as these commemorate the time Jesus hung on the cross.

April 20 - 7 AM
Easter Sunrise Service

At the Labyrinth (weather permitting) 
Located outdoors next to our north parking lot.
Room 356 in case of rain

April 20 - (9 & 11 AM Sanctuary Worship)
Easter Sunday

Rev. Chris Henry
It Was Still Dark
John 20:1-18

The festival of the Resurrection of the Lord (or Easter Sunday) is the center of the Christian year. On this occasion, the church joyfully proclaims the good news that is at the very heart of the gospel: that Jesus Christ is risen from the dead.

*Note there will be no 11:15 AM Service of Wholenss and Communion on April 20.