The death of a loved one can be a grief-filled and overwhelming time. We are here to help.
Our Sanctuary and Chapel are available for funeral and memorial services, and the Parlor is available for a calling. A “calling” is a gathering that often (but not always) precedes the funeral or memorial service. It is a time for friends and family to gather and share in conversation, remembering their loved one and finding strength and comfort in relationships and memories. Deacons are present to provide hospitality and serve light refreshments.
For more information about having a funeral or memorial service at Second Presbyterian Church, please see our Funeral Planning Guide or contact our Funeral Coordinator below.
Rev. Madison VanVeelen
Associate Pastor of Care
(317) 726-5405
Frequently Asked Questions
How do I determine the “who, where, and when” of a funeral or memorial service for my loved one?
Rev. Madison VanVeelen works with families and funeral homes to coordinate all funeral and memorial service logistics. Madison will assist you in determining the availability of the Sanctuary or Chapel, scheduling a service, and identifying a pastor to lead it. The pastor who leads the service will meet with you to plan the content of the service.
Is there a cost associated with having a funeral or memorial service at the church?
Funeral and memorial services are an important part of our ministry. There is no cost to families for use of the building or costs related to the calling. The fee for the organist (paid directly to the organist) is $175. If a soloist is desired, the fee is $150.
Costs incurred related to the calling and the use of the building are paid for out of the Memorial Fund which is maintained through donations.
Can I pre-plan my service?
Yes. Please see our Funeral Planning Guide.
Rev. Madison VanVeelen
Associate Pastor of Care
(317) 726-5405