Church Officers

Each year our congregation nominates and elects ruling elders and deacons, who lead us in bringing the mission of Second Church to life. We invite you to nominate a fellow church member by filling out this form for the Nominating Committee to consider. See links below for lists of those who are already serving.

There are three types of church officers:

  • Ruling Elders, who are entrusted with the spiritual government of the church, are elected by the congregation, ordained for life, and serve on the Session for a three year term.
  • Teaching Elders, who are the ministers of Word and Sacrament, are ordained by the Presbytery, and called by the congregation to serve in a variety of ministries. 
  • Deacons who are entrusted with the ministry of compassion and service. Deacons are elected by the congregation, ordained for life, and serve a three year term on the Board of Deacons.
Nominate an Officer — Now through September 15
Each year our congregation nominates and elects ruling elders and deacons, who lead us in bringing the mission of Second Church to life.

Nominate an Officer — Now through September 15
Each year our congregation nominates and elects ruling elders and deacons, who lead us in bringing the mission of Second Church to life.

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    Ruling Elders


    Ruling Elders, who are entrusted with the spiritual government of the church, are elected by the congregation, ordained for life, and serve on the Session for a three year term.

    Moderator/President: Rev. Chris Henry
    Vice-Moderator/Vice/President: Alicia Buckley
    Clerk of Session: Cathie Reese
    Treasurer: Rebecca Malick

    Care Committee Chair: Marilyn Kuhn
    Commitment Committee Chair: Bob Zachidny
    Communication Committee Chair: Jennifer Shirk
    Engagement Committee Chair: Teri Cochran
    Formation Committee Chairs: Ted Vatnsdal
    Human Resources Committee Chair: Krissy Seufert
    Mission Committee Chair: Fred Emhardt
    Operations Committee Chair: Brent Benge
    Strategic Planning Committee Chair: Don Palmer
    Worship Committee Chair: Sara Twining

    Class of 2025

    • Nate Browning (Human Resources)
    • Jackie Clency (Formation)
    • Jen Francis (Engagement)
    • Kyle Lanham (Strategic Planning)
    • Kathy Lee (Commitment)
    • Deb Miller (Mission)
    • David Moore (Worship)
    • Sarah Parks (Operations)
    • Sylvia Perteete (Care)
    • Randy Tobias (Communications)


    Class of 2026

    • Brittany Babbitt
    • Chas Bolton
    • Shannon Cox
    • Betsy Dykstra
    • Don Lucas
    • Joan Pedersen
    • Victoria Petersen Elia
    • Matt Rogers
    • Susan Shambaugh
    • John Yeo
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    The office of deacon as set forth in Scripture is one of sympathy, witness, and service after the example of Jesus Christ. Deacons serve in one of three areas: Community, Congregational, and Christmas with our Northside Neighbors.

    Moderator: Lynn Wilson
    Vice Moderator: Cyndi Countryman
    Secretary: Steve Matthews
    Treasurer: Troy Medley
    Congregational Committee Chair: Jennifer Kittle  
    Community Committee Chair: Sean Meenan
    Christmas with Northside Neighbors Chairs: Meg Shanley (Chair) and Lauren Rapp (Co-Chair)

    Class of 2024

    • Hilary Barrett
    • Rick Barretto
    • David Champa
    • Carolyn Fennimore
    • Kris Hite
    • Claire Liechty
    • Jordana Marcus
    • Steve Matthews
    • Sean Meenan
    • Gerry Roth
    • Mary Schwendener
    • Meg Shanley
    • Chuck Swisher
    • Peggy Sutphin


    Class of 2025

    • Suzanne Baach
    • Katelyn Bray (Youth)
    • Annie Bretz
    • Cyndi Countryman
    • Frank Crossland
    • DiAnn Donahue
    • Allison Drook
    • George Elliott (Youth)
    • Andrew Hisey
    • Jennifer Kittle
    • Deb Lyons
    • Troy Medley
    • Lauren Rapp
    • Kevin Ratliff
    • Cathy VanNahmen
    • Drew Warner


    Class of 2026

    • Dixie Bibb
    • Mark Blessing
    • Katherine Byrant
    • Will Colter (Youth)
    • Susie Cumming
    • Johnathan Faris
    • Mary Henehan
    • Izzy Kornmeyer (Youth)
    • David Lancet
    • Albie Marco
    • Pete Mohr
    • Kristin Musser
    • Audrey Owen
    • Ruth Twenty
    • Lilly VanBruggen (Youth)
    • Eric Walts
    • Penny Wetterau