February 9, Following 10 AM Service
Our Annual Congregational Meeting will take place on Sunday, February 9, immediately following the 10 AM worship service. Please join us to hear reports from Rev. Chris Henry, the Clerk of Session, and our Endowment Board of Trustees. We will also vote on matters such as approval of the annual budget and electing elders, deacons, and members of the 2025 Nominating Committee.
Following the meeting everyone is invited to a continental style brunch in McFarland Hall.
New Officers
During the Annual Congregational Meeting on Sunday, we will vote to approve new classes of elders, deacons, and the nominating committee.
The nominees are:
Class of 2028
- Bob Bennett
- Jonathan Elliott
- Susan Flener
- Daland Juberg
- Mary Larimore
- Audrey Leisinger
- Donna Reynolds
- Larry Robertson
- George Srour
- Tracy Vatnsdal
Class of 2027
- Kris Beckwith Moore
- Mark Booher
- Suzi Burns
- Karen Cummings
- Karen Cunningham
- Tom Edwards
- Jane Gooliak
- Will Hobbs
- Davin Isakson
- Gala Kennedy
- Jonathan McGee
- Richard Propes
- Christopher Roberts
- Judith Schneider
- Andrew Sutphin
- Alice MacPhail
- Jane Louiso
- Gen Wallace-Roe
- Dave Franks
- Kathryn Carrel
- Tyse Christenberry
- Elise Klaus
2025 At-Large Members
- Jen Bergman
- Scott Brady
- Steve Haigh
- John Illingworth
- Sherrie Sells
- Lynn Yates