Why do we do this work? As Christians we are called to speak out on behalf of others. Read Rev. Chris Henry's article No More "Playing Church" and watch the conversation between Rev. Chris Henry and Jim Morris, president and CEO of Greater Indy Habitat for Humanity.  

Add your voice to Second's work addressing both hunger and housing issues right here in our community (a church for the city!) and across the country. We'll equip you with helpful information, as well as offer tools to help you contact your state and national government representatives.

Advocate for Action

So much of our mission work involves being the hands and feet of Christ, providing food for our neighbors, building and repairing homes. Advocacy Days allow us to amplify the voice of Christ as well, speaking out for those in need.

This work is nonpartisan. We are all called to bear the burdens of others and walk alongside our neighbors. Writing to our representatives is an opportunity to address the roots of housing and hunger issues, getting to the factors that perpetuate the problems.

Thank you for putting your faith into action by using your voice to advocate for others. Follow these four easy steps to speak out:

1.  Educate yourself about the issues and current legislation being considered.

Bread for the World is a non-partisan Christian advocacy organization urging U.S. decision makers to do all they can to pursue a world without hunger. Their mission is to educate and equip people to advocate for policies and programs that can help end hunger in the U.S. and around the world.

Nourish our Future is the theme for Bread for the World this year. They will advocate for taking action together to invest in Indiana’s children and provide a tax break to working families by strengthening the Child Tax Credit. This tax credit would help low income working families in Indiana by enabling them to purchase food for their families and not always relying on assistance. Learn more about the Child Tax Credit.

To show you some of the statistics we are referring to:

  • 1 of every 6 children in Indiana live in poverty.
  • 1 of every 7 households in Indiana struggle to put food on the table.
  • An individual must earn more than $15 per hour in Indiana to provide for a family, yet, the state minimum wage is $7.75 per hour.
  • In 2017, over 100 million meals were provided by federal programs in Marion County alone but these federal programs are constantly at risk during budget cuts.

2.  Gather names and addresses for your representatives.

Not sure who your representative is? Find out here. When you enter your address into this website, you'll learn who your state and national representatives are.

3.  Write a letter stating what is on your heart.

4. Use this sample letter, adding your personal information, to encourage Sentor Todd Young to support the Child Tax Credit: