Sunday School

At 9 AM, “Sunday School” engages children in faith formation through storytelling, games, art, and fun! This year, we’ll be doing Sunday school “the Godly Play way!”

Children ages 4 through third grade will travel to the children’s chapel partway through their class time for an immersion in a Bible story. This special experience begins at the door, the “threshold,” where children are named, warmly greeted, and asked if they are ready. Inside, the children form a circle of belonging from which they enter the story. The story is told using manipulatives (wooden figures, painted plaques, beautifully finished props) –a focal point for the eyes and the heart. At the end, the storyteller and children wonder together, before the children leave to creatively and communally “bring the story home” in their regular classrooms. This is a prayerful and playful style of faith formation that leaves an indelible mark. We are so excited to share it with you and your children!

Wondering where to take your child? 

All Sunday morning childcare is available for infants through age three.

Infants and Toddlers Second floor - Room 240
Two and three years old Second floor - Room 233


From 9-9:45 AM, children of all ages go to Sunday school!

Pre K - Kindergarten Room 304
1st, 2nd, 3rd grades Room 309
4th & 5th grades Room 355
Middle and high school Youth Suite


During the 10 AM worship service, our youngest saints will have Sunday morning care on the second floor while those four years and older begin in the sanctuary with their families. After a message from the pastor on the steps for “The Word with Children,” those who are eighth grade and younger are invited to exit for children's choir!

Please be sure each child has a green nametag! 

Following worship, we invite you to pick up your children and then enjoy donuts and coffee together as a family.

Cherub Choir (age 4 through 1st grade) Room 112
Carol Choir (2nd through 8th grade) 1st Floor Choir Room