A Place for Families

Families Ministry at Second Presbyterian Church supports families with young children as they live and grow in faith. Children form an integral part of our congregation. 

Serving our Community

Looking for ways to share your time and resources with others?

Second continues to reach many thousands each year with the love of Christ. From worship and music, to our community missions and groups for all ages—we are moving, reaching, inspiring, and loving our Church family and our community.

Upcoming Events

Ash Wednesday Service
March 5, 7 PM, Sanctuary
Join us on Ash Wednesday for a service of worship, Holy Communion, and the imposition of ashes as we begin the season of Lent.

Ash Wednesday Service
March 5, 7 PM, Sanctuary

Join us on Ash Wednesday for a service of worship, Holy Communion, and the imposition of ashes as we begin the season of Lent.

Sunday Evening Lenten Services
Sundays, March 9 – April 6, 5 PM, Room 356
Join us for a casual and contemplative worship service with music, meditation, and holy communion as we learn to walk in the dark together. 

Sunday Evening Lenten Services
Sundays, March 9 – April 6, 5 PM, Room 356

Join us for a casual and contemplative worship service with music, meditation, and holy communion as we learn to walk in the dark together. 

The Creation by Franz Joseph Hayden
March 23, 4 PM, Sanctuary
Enjoy the joyous and breathtaking music of Haydn's setting of the epic story of creation.

The Creation by Franz Joseph Hayden
March 23, 4 PM, Sanctuary
Enjoy the joyous and breathtaking music of Haydn's setting of the epic story of creation.